A Year Long Mastermind for Healers, Coaches & Creatives ✨

Are you feeling the call to expand your awareness and share your purpose with the world but unsure of where to start? Welcome to our Mastermind—a sacred space designed for healers, coaches and creatives just like you. Here, you'll find a nurturing and supportive environment to connect with fellow healers, all on a shared path of stepping into their potential and serving through their light.

Imagine the possibilities if you wholeheartedly embraced your expansion as a healer?

Alongside other beautiful heart centred women on this same path...

The Awakened Mastermind was designed from a deep desire—to create a space where healers, coaches & creatives can come together to learn, grow and serve. This program is one of empowerment, guiding you to deepen your connection to self and spirit, both for your own well-being and that of others. With each session, and with the addition of every beautiful soul who becomes part of this collective, this mastermind will continue to evolve and transform as intuitively guided.

The term "Mastermind" holds deliberate significance. Coined by Napoleon Hill in his works "The Law of Success" and "Think And Grow Rich", the concept emphasizes the power of a "master mind alliance"—the collaboration of minds working together towards a defined purpose, steeped in harmony. As Hill described, when minds converge, an invisible and intangible force emerges—the "master mind." This force embodies the magic created and shared within this circle. It is in this spirit that I extend an invitation to join our year-long journey within The Awakened Mastermind.

What you can expect from the Mastermind:

  • Engage in insightful and transformative discussions during our monthly virtual sessions, where we delve into various healing practices according to themes, share experiences, and learn together.

  • Enhance and deepen your spiritual connection and intuition to a new level.

  • Foster meaningful connections with like-minded individuals, creating a network of support and collaboration within the healing community.

  • Engage in partnerships or small groups for ongoing support, accountability and growth in a more intimate setting.

  • Access exclusive resources to further your growth and development as a healer.

  • Gain invaluable business support tailored to help you show up with confidence and expand your practice as a healer.

  • Bi-weekly coaching office hours for personalized support and guidance.

Meet your teacher & mentor... Renée Walker

Spiritual Teacher | Business Mentor | Speaker

Renée is the founder of Renée Walker Wellness, a wellness company focused on empowering women to achieve optimal well-being - mind, body, and soul. She is a certified meditation teacher, yoga instructor, Reiki master, and spiritual life coach. With over 20 years of experience on her own journey of personal growth and transformation, she brings a depth of wisdom and understanding to her work.

Using a holistic approach, Renée guides her clients in cultivating self-awareness to release limiting beliefs and connect with their intuition. Her range of modalities and years of both personal and business experience, create a safe and nurturing space for clients to come back to themselves. Ultimately, Renée’s passion lies in helping women discover their soul’s purpose and step fully into their power.

Are you ready to answer your soul's calling?

It's time to shine and step full into your power. The world needs you. The world needs your healing. The world needs your light.