“Primordial Sound Meditation isn’t about forcing your mind to be quiet, it’s about experiencing the silence that's already there and making it a part of your life. Silence is the birthplace of happiness, creativity, and infinite possibilities. From this field of pure potentiality we get our bursts of inspiration, our most intuitive thoughts, and our deepest sense of connection to the Universe. 

– Chopra

Learn to meditate with ease and confidence using Primordial Sound Meditation, a powerful technique rooted in the Vedic tradition of India.

Primordial Sound Meditation is a powerful technique rooted in the Vedic tradition of India. Revived by Deepak Chopra and David Simon, this ancient practice involves receiving your own personal mantra. Mantras are a powerful tool that help the mind enter the stillness within you. I'm forever grateful for this practice and am honored to be a Certified Chopra Instructor. Primordial Sound Meditation feels like home to me, deepening my daily meditation practice in countless ways. It will enhance your life at all levels - mind, body, and spirit.

Course Curriculum

The Intro to Meditation course includes three virtual class lessons and an individual session dedicated to receiving your own personal mantra. Additionally, the course offers one month of Voxer support to further assist you on your meditation journey.


Introduction to Meditation

  • Introduction to the basics of meditation
  • Learn about the effects of stress on your body
  • Discover how meditation helps bring you back into balance
  • Learn about the software of the soul to up level your mind program
  • Explore the layers of life
  • Gain insight on Primordial Sound Mantras

    Receive your own personal mantra

    This 1-1 virtual session with Renée is dedicated to receiving your very own Primordial Sound Mantra in a special ceremony.


    Deepening your Meditation Practice

    In this session we go in-depth to answer any questions regarding your meditation practice including:
  • how
  • when
  • where
  • timing
  • experiences you may have
  • expectations

    Exploration of Higher States of Consciousness

    This session goes deeper into the spiritual nature of meditation by exploring all seven states of higher consciousness. We discuss the journey through these states, providing insights into how meditation can expand your awareness and connect you to a deeper sense of self and the Universe. This comprehensive exploration will enhance your understanding of the spiritual dimensions of your practice, guiding you toward profound personal and spiritual growth.

    There are many benefits to Meditation...

    “The magnificence of meditation - is not what happens during the meditation but what happens in every other moment of your day. It becomes a part of who you are, and it’s cumulative. It builds and builds with each sunset and sunrise, with each meditation, with each new way, with each conversation, with each person in your life, with each new thought, and with each new choice.” The Secrets of Meditation by Davidji

    • greater sense of calm & peace

    • decreased levels of stress & anxiety

    • overall feeling of well-being

    • clarity & focus

    • greater resilience

    • more energy

    • increased productivity

    • improved sleep

    • deeper compassion

    This meditation course also includes a special 1-1 virtual session with Renée where you will receive your very own mantra. Additionally, the course offers 30 days of Voxer support to ensure you feel confident in your meditation practice.

    Ultimately, meditation allows you to connect with your inner being and meet your higher sense of self. It's also an opportunity to practice compassion towards yourself, help with the process of acceptance and cultivate presence. You benefit on every level - body, mind & spirit. 

    Ready to Begin or Deepen your Meditation Practice?

  • $397 investment