Ready to learn ways to enjoy and be consistent with your meditation practice?

Meditation transforms your body, mind, and soul - but like any healthy habit, it takes commitment to see the results.

The more you practice, the more you'll realize that *you* are the conscious creator of your life. While you can’t always control external events, you can always choose how you show up.

This shift from being reactive to intentional is where the magic happens.

Join us as we explore different meditation styles and unlock the benefits of this powerful practice.

  • greater sense of calm & peace

  • decreased levels of stress & anxiety

  • increased clarity & focus

  • more energy

  • greater resilience

  • stronger intuition

  • improved sleep

  • deeper compassion

  • better relationships

  • overall feeling of well-being

“The magnificence of meditation - is not what happens during the meditation but what happens in every other moment of your day. It becomes a part of who you are, and it’s cumulative.” The Secrets of Meditation by Davidji

What you can expect in this FREE 7 Day Meditation Challenge...

Each day you will receive a short lesson with a link to a guided meditation. You will have an opportunity to explore different styles of meditation while learning tools & tips to help you deepen your practice. Ultimately, the purpose behind this challenge is to help you expand in your awareness and access the calm that already exists within.

  • Grounding + Intention Meditation

  • Loving Kindness Meditation

  • Mantra Meditation

  • Chakra Alignment Meditation

  • Breathwork + Self-Healing

  • Gratitude Meditation

  • Abundance Meditation

Are you ready to invite more peace, calm & ease into your life?

How meditation has changed my life...

I was first introduced to meditation as a tool to reduce stress and stay grounded close to 20 years ago. Initially, I was very inconsistent and struggled with the practice. When I finally let go of expectations and released judgment around the quality of my meditation - I was able to embrace it as a daily practice. It has become a way for me to connect with my inner self and set my intentions for the day. To me, meditation is the foundation of each new day. It isn't about becoming a newer or better person, it's about coming back to ME. Today, as a certified meditation teacher, it's my privilege to teach and guide others on their journey back to self. Meditation is one of the most powerful tools to help cultivate self awareness and access the calm that already exists within yourself. I look forward to meditating with you. Namaste. xo

Enjoy this short Soulful Meditation to help align your energy and feel more at peace within.